Wealth & Happiness

Weekend reading lifestyles rich and famous Weekend reading lifestyles rich and famous
Weekend Reading: Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous

You could be the wealthiest person in the world and still feel unhappy. Money and success aren’t at the root of happiness, but these tools can be leveraged to enhance your purpose and elevate the meaning you experience in life.

Weekend reading money and life Weekend reading money and life
Weekend Reading: Your Money and Your Life

Your natural money mindset might be to accumulate as much money as possible, but tales of even the wealthiest individuals tell us wealth isn’t the end all, be all.

Weekend reading life fulfillment money formula Weekend reading life fulfillment money formula
Weekend Reading: The Only Money Formula You Will Ever Need

Life Fulfillment = Time + Health + Money. That’s the equation you need for maximizing life’s experiences, and in that particular order.

Weekend reading life lessons Weekend reading life lessons
Weekend Reading: Life Lessons from 1,000 Years

"If you could speak to your 32-year-old self, what advice would you give?" This was the question author Sahil Bloom asked a group of 90-year-olds in honor of his 32nd birthday.

Weekend reading inevitable wealth Weekend reading inevitable wealth
Weekend Reading: To Build Inevitable Wealth, Simply Avoid Financial Ruin

Investment guru Warren Buffett never let the media or opinions of others sway his investment decisions, and neither should you. Inevitable wealth is built by focusing on your behavior instead of the noise around you.

Weekend reading mastery not status Weekend reading mastery not status
Weekend Reading: Pursue Mastery, Not Status

In today’s society, many of us measure progress through metrics to quantify our growth and overall life trajectory. Whether it’s a bank account total, salary, calories burned, leads brought in, etc., we always have a number to go by.

Weekend reading expectations and reality Weekend reading expectations and reality
Weekend Reading: Expectations and Reality

The gap between expectations and reality is where powerful emotion is felt, especially the larger we perceive that gap to be.

Weekend reading perceptions time and money aging Weekend reading perceptions time and money aging
Weekend Reading: How Our Perceptions of Time and Money Change as We Age

Have you reached your “cross-over point” of time and money? The perceptions you hold around the value around these two subjects will change throughout life, but there comes a point when you realize that time holds the most value.

Weekend reading secrets to awesome life Weekend reading secrets to awesome life
Weekend Reading: The Lazy Way to An Awesome Life: 4 Secrets Backed By Research

Your expectations have enormous power in affecting the way you perceive life events. They influence your response to things that happen to you, especially in difficult situations.

Weekend reading opportunity cost Weekend reading opportunity cost
Weekend Reading: The Opportunity Cost of Everything

According to Young Money author Jack Raines, the definition of opportunity cost is, “the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.” It’s at the core of every decision you make, regardless of whether or not you’re consciously aware of it.

Weekend reading secret to happiness Weekend reading secret to happiness
Weekend Reading: Does Arthur Brooks Have the Secret to Happiness?

You might spend time planning for your financial future, making a better business decision or finding the perfect pair of shoes, but what about planning for your happiness?

Weekend reading letting go Weekend reading letting go
Weekend Reading: If You Want to Be Wealthier, Let Go

We all have a tendency to control as much in our lives as possible. However, what if learning to not force things brought you closer to the life you desire?