Weekend Reading: How to Use Money as a Tool for Happiness and Fulfillment

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading money tool for happiness and fulfillment Weekend reading money tool for happiness and fulfillment

Weekend Reading

At Howard Bailey, we believe money is a tool to elevate what brings you fulfillment.


For author Darius Foroux, there are three trade offs he focuses on to maximize happiness and fulfillment, in relation to money. Those include:

📌 Prioritizing inner tranquility over everything, and as a result, needing as little liabilities as possible: Simply put, minimal-to-no debt and multiple income streams; plus, the ability to be independent by always self improving.

📌 Saving as much as possible: Which means maintaining a low cost-of-living.

📌 But, also being comfortable: This might include living in a nice house in a cheaper place, versus living in an expensive city.

Prioritize ROL (Return on Life): Utilizing your money as a means requires intentionality. We all find fulfillment by focusing on what brings us meaning, and that is most often where we can make the biggest impact. Sometimes, in order to make that contribution, you need to spend money, whether that’s by traveling, educating yourself, gaining experiences, etc.

Your focus should never be the money, but how that money can elevate the meaning in your life. If dollars dictate your direction in life, you’ll find yourself on an endless search of “what’s next?”