Purpose-Based Planning

Weekend reading retirement blues Weekend reading retirement blues
Weekend Reading: Retirement Blues

Dreaming of a fulfilling retirement? Financial security is just one piece of the puzzle. Learn more about the top problems plaguing retirees and how you can combat them.

Weekend reading retirement realities Weekend reading retirement realities
Weekend Reading: Retirement Realities

Retirement is a significant life transition. While financial readiness is key, it's equally important to prepare for a fulfilling lifestyle after work.

Weekend reading sweet spot principle Weekend reading sweet spot principle
Weekend Reading: The Sweet Spot Principle

Ready to live a retirement that's "just right"? Like Goldilocks, you need to find the sweet spot – not too hot, not too cold – in your finances, your ambitions, and even your savings goals.

Weekend reading personal benchmark Weekend reading personal benchmark
Weekend Reading: You're Only as Good as Your Benchmark

Most of us have a skewed view of our own abilities, often overestimating or underestimating what we can achieve. The key to success, then, lies in accurate self-assessment.

Weekend reading overcoming decision fatigue Weekend reading overcoming decision fatigue
Weekend Reading: 10 Things You Can Do To Overcome Decision Fatigue

Feeling overwhelmed by decisions, big and small? Here are proven tactics to declutter your mind and simplify your life, leaving more room for enjoying your retirement.

Weekend reading why money matters Weekend reading why money matters
Weekend Reading: What’s Important About Money to You?

We often think about money in terms of goals – a comfortable retirement, travel, or leaving a legacy. But have you considered the deeper why behind those goals?

240405 WRR 313 Stoic Wisdom 240405 WRR 313 Stoic Wisdom
Weekend Reading: Stoic Wisdom: 6 Key Insights to Make You Happier Today and Wealthier in the Future

Stoicism, an ancient philosophy originating in Greece, has gained popularity among various groups, including those seeking guidance in financial matters.

240405 WRR 313 Biggest Mistakes Retirees Make 240405 WRR 313 Biggest Mistakes Retirees Make
Weekend Reading: The Biggest Mistake Retirees Make

Just like unexpected detours during a road trip can lead to increased expenses, the combination of market volatility and withdrawing money from your investment accounts can lead to sequence of returns risk.

240405 WRR 313 Spot Bitcoin ET Fs 240405 WRR 313 Spot Bitcoin ET Fs
Weekend Reading: Spot Bitcoin ETFs Are Here. Should You Invest?

Spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have recently been approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) after more than a decade of anticipation.

240405 WRR 313 Life of Pleasure 240405 WRR 313 Life of Pleasure
Weekend Reading: A Life of Pleasure: How to Enjoy Yourself Without Destroying Your Wealth

An overly luxurious lifestyle isn’t sustainable for most people, and will ultimately destroy your wealth.

240329 WRR 312 Clean Up Those Old 401ks 240329 WRR 312 Clean Up Those Old 401ks
Weekend Reading: Why You Should Clean Up Those Old 401(k)s

Have you ever abandoned a 401(k) account when changing jobs? Approximately $1.65 trillion is estimated to be sitting in such orphan accounts, representing the savings of 30 million workers.

240329 WRR 312 Stock Market Boom End 240329 WRR 312 Stock Market Boom End
Weekend Reading: When will this stock-market boom end? Here’s a creepy day to put on your calendar.

Financial experts like to claim that the stock market is efficient and unbeatable. However, Wall Street has repeatedly proven otherwise, particularly with the “Halloween effect” - a pattern where significant stock market gains occur from Halloween until May, defying logic and the efficient market hypothesis.