Weekend Reading: Would You Trade Places with Warren Buffett?

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading money happiness experience points Weekend reading money happiness experience points

Weekend Reading

Which would you choose: To be 20 years old with $0 – Or, to be Warren Buffett’s age (92) with $100 billion? Many align on the first option, and the reasoning for this ties into our shifting views of time, money and health as we age.


Focus on earning XPs: When basic necessities for survival are secure (house, food, water, etc.), you open the door to an endless amount of choices, which allow you to collect resources (i.e: Working for money). However, the ONE resource you can’t collect more of is time. And while it's not seen as a metric like money, an alternate method to weigh time could be in experiences (or as described here, “Experience Points – XP’s”). In life, you want to gain as many XP’s as possible.

Time intentionality: Gaining Experience Points means reframing the common mindset of accumulating as much wealth as possible, then retiring. It requires utilizing experiences – not money – as the output in your net fulfillment equation. To maximize XP’s, you must also recognize when certain life phases are ideal for the specific experiences you wish to have. For example: Hiking with friends while you’re physically able. Or, taking kids or grandkids on vacation before they begin college and relocate.

When you solve for net fulfillment instead of net worth, you maximize time, money and health, but don’t put so much focus on one that it’s at the expense of another. Money is a means. The real wealth you rack up can be found in experiences.