Purpose-Based Planning

Weekend reading big financial questions Weekend reading big financial questions
Weekend Reading: Big Financial Questions? Step Away from the Spreadsheet

If you’re a data-driven individual like myself, you might find greater financial peace of mind when presented with real-time numbers on a spreadsheet. However, it’s also important to know not all big picture decisions regarding your retirement and financial wellbeing should depend solely on stats.

Weekend reading mindfulness and money management Weekend reading mindfulness and money management
Weekend Reading: Applying the Practice of Mindfulness to Money Management

Being mindful in the present can be challenging for many of us, especially in the realm of retirement planning.

Weekend reading rich financial goals Weekend reading rich financial goals
Weekend Reading: The 1 Question You Should Always Ask Yourself Before Making Any Personal Finance Decisions

To truly elevate your financial wellbeing or reach a personal level of success you’re in search of, finance guru Ramit Sethi advises becoming clear on your vision.

Weekend reading creating your eulogy Weekend reading creating your eulogy
Weekend Reading: Begin at the End: Create Your Eulogy to Envision Retirement

Creating your eulogy while you’re still alive and well does not have to feel dark or depressing. In fact, it can reveal pertinent details regarding how you think or feel about yourself, and provide clear ideas of how you want the rest of your life to look (including retirement).

Weekend reading fearing the known Weekend reading fearing the known
Weekend Reading: We Fear the Known, Not Uncertainty

Life is full of “what-ifs”, and not knowing what’s around the bend is what might often cause you feelings of fear and stress.

Weekend reading how to want less Weekend reading how to want less
Weekend Reading: How to Want Less

What constitutes a satisfying life? Your answer will more than likely differ from mine, and that of anyone else you ask, but what remains is the fact we’re all in continual search of it.

Weekend reading future you happier life Weekend reading future you happier life
Weekend Reading: How Thinking About 'Future You' Can Build a Happier Life

You put effort into cultivating relationships with friends and family, but what about the relationship you have with your future self?

Weekend reading retirement tips live happy Weekend reading retirement tips live happy
Weekend Reading: Retirement Tips from World-Famous Authors to Live Happily Ever

Avid reader or not, you surely want a confident, purposeful retirement, and these famous authors provide some enlightening insight on how to make that happen.

Weekend reading what to do in retirement Weekend reading what to do in retirement
Weekend Reading: What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do in Retirement

Past Retire With Purpose podcast guest, Nancy Collamer, is a retirement coach who helps retirees navigate their “Second Act”, and learn how to obtain maximum fulfillment in the potential decades that could lie ahead.

Weekend reading ethical will Weekend reading ethical will
Weekend Reading: The Ethical Will or Family Love Letter: How to Transfer More Than Money to Future Generations

Your legacy plan has the capability to go far beyond tangible materials and wealth assets.

Weekend reading money worries Weekend reading money worries
Weekend Reading: What You're Really Worried About When You're Worried About Money

Does money truly have the power to elevate your life? It can certainly take care of your most basic necessities, but according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, money has a limit on the amount of happiness it creates.

Weekend reading learning to spend Weekend reading learning to spend
Weekend Reading: Retirees Should Enjoy Their Savings More, Here's How

If you have secured a retirement plan you feel confident about, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.