Newsweek’s prestigious list of America’s Top Financial Advisory Firms 2025 includes Howard Bailey! Keep Reading...

Weekend reading investing jungle Weekend reading investing jungle
Welcome to the (Investing) Jungle

If you’re like many investors, it’s common for you to experience feelings of regret and frustration at times, maybe wishing you had bought specific stocks like Amazon or Microsoft earlier.

Weekend reading incentive trusts estate planning Weekend reading incentive trusts estate planning
Creating Incentive Trusts to Foster Beneficiary Legacies Without Spoiling the Kids

Estate planning is often viewed primarily as a method for you to efficiently transfer assets while minimizing taxes and avoiding probate. However, this general approach can overlook the importance of passing on your intangible assets, such as values, lessons, and opportunities.

Weekend reading investment diversification Weekend reading investment diversification
One is Not Enough

To create a simple yet effective investment portfolio, consider starting with an S&P 500 index fund for broad stock market exposure. This fund offers diversification and includes major successful companies, but it has some issues.

Weekend reading six lessons from retirement Weekend reading six lessons from retirement
Six Lessons from Six Years of Retirement

Whether you’re already retired or are looking forward to retiring, past podcast guest Fritz Gilbert provides a wealth of knowledge on how his personal retirement journey can help you optimize your own.

Weekend reading license to spend income strategy Weekend reading license to spend income strategy
The Income Strategy That Gives Retirees a 'License to Spend': Blanchett, Finke

Past podcast guests David Blanchett and Michael Finke's new analysis suggests annuities act as a "license to spend," enabling you to spend more comfortably in retirement.

Weekend reading social security basics Weekend reading social security basics
Social Security Basics: 12 Things You Must Know to Maximize Your Benefits

Amidst the complexities of Social Security, here you’ll find an in-depth look at maximizing benefits, whether you’re approaching or are already in retirement.

Weekend reading driven by taxes Weekend reading driven by taxes
Driven by Taxes

Taxes impact your money throughout your entire life. If you’re like the author of this article, tax policies can also significantly influence your financial decisions to and through retirement.

Weekend reading how much money for retirement Weekend reading how much money for retirement
How Much Money You Need for Retirement

Ben Carlson discusses the validity of the four percent rule for retirement planning, highlighting its conservative nature and effectiveness.

Weekend reading historical market data Weekend reading historical market data
How Useful is Historical Data in Predicting Future Returns?

If you take a peek into the past, you will find useful applications as well as limitations in leveraging market performance data.

Weekend reading gradual retirement Weekend reading gradual retirement
I’m Not Ready for Retirement (but I’m Not Waiting)

The transition to retirement doesn’t have to be a sudden stop. “Phased retirement” is a growing trend that offers flexibility and continued purpose while gradually easing into full retirement.

Weekend reading investment skin in the game Weekend reading investment skin in the game
Does “Skin in the Game” Really Matter?

The concept of “skin in the game” suggests that when someone’s own money is on the line, they’ll make better decisions. In the financial world, this is often applied to fund managers who invest in their own strategies.

Weekend reading analyzing trust documents Weekend reading analyzing trust documents
Do You Trust Your Trust Documents?

Trusts are powerful tools for managing assets and ensuring a smooth transfer of wealth, but they’re only effective if properly funded.