Weekend reading time and quality of life Weekend reading time and quality of life
Considering Time and Quality of Life

Time is the greatest asset you will ever have. Here, author Derek Hagen emphasizes the importance of living intentionally by considering both the time and health you have left with our loved ones.

Weekend reading debt and taxes Weekend reading debt and taxes
Nothing is Certain Except Debt and Taxes

Is maxing out your 401(k) at a young age truly the best financial decision?

Weekend reading foggy as it ever was Weekend reading foggy as it ever was
Foggy as It Ever Was

As an investor, it’s important for you to remember that market risk does not change; only your emotions do.

Weekend reading retirement freedom or free fall Weekend reading retirement freedom or free fall
Retirement: Freedom or Free-Fall?

If you don’t plan for the non-financial side of your retirement transition (your purpose, your “why”, the thing that gets you up in the morning), much like this retiree, you might experience feelings of disillusion.

Weekend reading longevity lessons Weekend reading longevity lessons
Longevity Lessons from a 91-Year-Old

Growing older doesn’t have to come with a negative connotation. When you embrace a “longevity mindset”, you make conscious decisions to improve your chances of a longer, healthier life.

Weekend reading politics and your portfolio Weekend reading politics and your portfolio
Politics and Your Portfolio

Is the upcoming November election dominating your media diet? Even if you’re an avid news-follower, as an investor, politics should not heavily influence your strategy.

Weekend reading annuities retirement income security Weekend reading annuities retirement income security
Beyond the 4% Rule: Exploring Annuities for Retirement Income Security

If you’re a savvy shopper, chances are, you’re willing to endure inconvenience for small savings, such as waiting in line for cheaper gas. However, do you also consider cost-effective strategies for significant financial commitments like retirement planning?

Weekend reading stop paying attention Weekend reading stop paying attention
Stop Paying Attention

How do you improve your investment behavior when it involves such a complex mix of factors that influence your decisions?

Weekend reading estate planning basics Weekend reading estate planning basics
How to Tackle Estate-Planning Basics in 7 Steps

Estate planning might feel like an intimidating task, but it’s crucial to ensure your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes.

Weekend reading 6 retirement financial myths Weekend reading 6 retirement financial myths
6 Retirement Financial Myths to Avoid

If you’ve ever discussed retirement planning with friends or done a quick Google search for financial strategies on your own, it’s inevitable you’ve been inundated with advice. However, not all of this “advice” is geared toward your unique financial situation.

Weekend reading down with inflation Weekend reading down with inflation
Down with Inflation

Inflation can lead to a cycle of rising wages and prices, a situation the Fed aims to avoid.

Weekend reading social security broke Weekend reading social security broke
Social Security Is Going Broke! (Just Like the Zombie Apocalypse Is Coming)

Should you plan for a Social Security shortfall? If you look at the news, you’ll see exaggerated concerns about the viability of Social Security benefits, often amplified during political campaign seasons such as the one we find ourselves in now.