Forward Motion

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading forward motion Weekend reading forward motion

Weekend Reading

No matter where you are in life, challenging yourself and seeking growth is key to longevity and experiencing fulfillment.


What to know: Well-known psychiatrist Phil Stutz describes a "forward motion" life as the act of continually creating and moving forward. On the other hand, stopping forward motion—whether by becoming complacent or losing purpose—can lead to physical and mental decline. Passive habits like excessive TV watching and social media consumption might aid this lifestyle, while active engagement in creative or meaningful pursuits will propel you forward.

Here, author Jared Dillian expresses his dislike for the term "killing time," labeling it as one of the worst uses of life’s finite resource. Further, forward motion doesn’t have to be tied to your primary career; it can involve pursuing new callings or hobbies at any age.

Key Takeaways: The overarching message is clear: Keep moving, creating, and striving—because your life’s vitality depends on it.