The Worst Cost of Bad Financial Advice

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading worst cost bad financial advice Weekend reading worst cost bad financial advice

Weekend Reading

What can poor financial advice cost you besides money?


What to know: Here, author Jesse Cramer recounts the story of a family who suffered long-term financial and emotional consequences due to bad financial advice. They entrusted a financial advisor with a lump sum they had received, only for the advisor to recommend a single risky stock. When the stock's value plummeted by 80 percent, the advisor offered no plan or support, leaving the family to absorb the loss.

This experience left them with lasting feelings of anger, sadness, and guilt. In the decades that followed, they avoided investing altogether, viewing it as gambling. For this family, a bout of bad financial advice didn’t just leave them with an initial financial loss, but also the long-term loss of opportunity and confidence in investing.

Key Takeaways: Stories like this are why at Howard Bailey, we prioritize trust, service, and creating a positive impact. You worked hard for your money, and you need a financial advisor that will work just as hard to protect it.