Newsweek’s prestigious list of America’s Top Financial Advisory Firms 2025 includes Howard Bailey! Keep Reading...
What is the answer to this title, you ask? It’s the common belief that money provides control over your time.
Whether you find it to be a taboo topic or not, the concept of money is incredibly complex. Here, author Rubin Miller highlights his duality as a financial professional and a regular person grappling with everyday money decisions.
Asking yourself “How much is enough?” throughout certain points in life might lead to an answer that’s a moving target. However, when it comes to wealth, when do you know if you have truly reached financial independence – or your “enough”?
Comparison is the thief of joy, and as you grow older, continually doing so in various facets of your life can lead you to lose sight of what matters most.
You may need less to retire than you thought. Have you ran the numbers? How much life are you missing out on due to incorrect assumptions?
You might overvalue things that can easily be measured, but they may not be the most valuable elements in your life. Take pause and assess where you are putting in your energy today, before it’s too late.
You’ve heard it’s better to spend money on experiences versus “things”, but why?
Time is your most precious resource. How much of it do you spend thinking about money?
While you may think the concepts of investing for money and investing for happiness are the same, psychology says otherwise. Money can provide you certain comforts and opportunities, but it does not guarantee happiness.
You surely don’t want to lose sight of what truly matters to you. So define your peak, prioritize your Purpose and make both core components of your wealth-building process.
Despite his privileged background, renowned Roman philosopher, Marcus Tullius Cicero, was known for embracing a simple lifestyle. His work inspired numerous thinkers throughout history because according to Cicero, frugality leads to riches.
What is your definition of a “luxury good”? If you have the mindset of the “Millionaire Next Door”, it may not involve material things, but instead include unconventional financial luxuries you don’t see.