Purpose-Based Planning

Weekend reading how to feel less lonely Weekend reading how to feel less lonely
Weekend Reading: How to Feel Less Lonely As You Get Older

The happiness you experience in retirement spans far beyond money, your dream vacation home or your hobby. It lies within the connections you have with others. Are you prepared?

Weekend reading how to feel less lonely Weekend reading how to feel less lonely
Weekend Reading: How to Feel Less Lonely As You Get Older

The happiness you experience in retirement spans far beyond money, your dream vacation home or your hobby. It lies within the connections you have with others. Are you prepared?

Weekend reading power of singular priority Weekend reading power of singular priority
Weekend Reading: The Surprising Power Of A Singular Priority In Money and Life

You likely hold a variety of things near and dear to your heart, but if you had to choose one focus – one priority – what would it be?

Weekend reading youthful while aging Weekend reading youthful while aging
Weekend Reading: Years Don't Make You Old

Your attitude toward aging plays a larger role in how well you age than you might realize. As poet Samuel Ullman says, “youth” is a state of mind rather than a mere number of years.

Weekend reading strategic thinking happy life Weekend reading strategic thinking happy life
Weekend Reading: Use Strategic Thinking to Create the Life You Want

Can the factors that lend to large corporation success also lead you to live a fulfilling life?

Weekend reading non financial things to know before retiring Weekend reading non financial things to know before retiring
Weekend Reading: 5 Things You Need to Know Before You Retire

You spend decades saving for retirement. Isn’t it worth your time and effort to plan for how you will fill that retirement with your most purposeful, happiest years?

Weekend reading its ok to suck at something new Weekend reading its ok to suck at something new
Weekend Reading: It’s Okay to Suck When You Try Something New

Have you ever abandoned a hobby or interest due to the fear of not excelling immediately? While it can be tempting to do so – especially for perfectionists – it’s important to remember that initial failure is a normal part of acquiring new skills.

Weekend reading making money meaningful Weekend reading making money meaningful
Weekend Reading: Four Things That Make Money Meaningful

How does finding meaning and purpose in life relate to your relationship with money? In Viktor Frankl's book, Man’s Search for Meaning, he reflects on his experience in Nazi death camps, emphasizing that even in the darkest times, moments of happiness and meaning can be found.

Weekend reading the infinite ladder Weekend reading the infinite ladder
Weekend Reading: The Infinite Ladder

When it comes to end-of-year reflections, you are likely to do so in a linear fashion. However, another – albeit unique – strategy is to consider your life thus far as an "infinite ladder," where progress occurs in both inner and outer dimensions.

Weekend reading goal achievement malaise Weekend reading goal achievement malaise
Weekend Reading: So You Accomplished Your Goals. Now What?

When you finally achieve a long-awaited dream, whether it's financial independence, retirement or in the author’s case here, reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, you might notice a feeling of "Now what?" sets in after your elation fades.

Weekend reading focus on next action Weekend reading focus on next action
Weekend Reading: Now or Never: Why Your Next Action is Everything

Your ability to experience fulfillment right now involves practicing intentionality. As entrepreneur and author Derek Sivers states, your future is uncertain and your past is irrelevant. Therefore, focusing on the actions you take now is key to understanding yourself and creating the life you want.

Weekend reading check before leaving Weekend reading check before leaving
Weekend Reading: Check Before Leaving

Planning for retirement involves asking the big questions, such as: How do I protect and grow my savings? Or, do I have enough? Beyond this, however, you have other factors to consider, both financial and non-financial.