Newsweek’s prestigious list of America’s Top Financial Advisory Firms 2025 includes Howard Bailey! Keep Reading...
Our perception of time can shape our financial plans for retirement. Yes, you read that right. We all see time a little differently, and how we interpret time impacts how we save and spend in our golden years.
Life is full of surprises, which doesn’t change in retirement. This article delves into unexpected aspects - both positive and negative - you might experience upon retiring.
Recognizing that fear is a natural aspect of life, but it doesn’t need to dictate our lives.
The current workforce landscape is experiencing significant changes due to factors like high turnover, remote work, and the retirement of Baby Boomers.
Key areas to stay informed on include: budgeting, health & life expectancy, workforce changes, and Social Security.
The author shares a personal experience of unexpected loss and the regret of not expressing love and appreciation while there was still time.
The happiness you experience in retirement spans far beyond money, your dream vacation home or your hobby. It lies within the connections you have with others. Are you prepared?
You likely hold a variety of things near and dear to your heart, but if you had to choose one focus – one priority – what would it be?
Your attitude toward aging plays a larger role in how well you age than you might realize. As poet Samuel Ullman says, “youth” is a state of mind rather than a mere number of years.
Can the factors that lend to large corporation success also lead you to live a fulfilling life?
You spend decades saving for retirement. Isn’t it worth your time and effort to plan for how you will fill that retirement with your most purposeful, happiest years?