Weekend Reading: The Surprising Power Of A Singular Priority In Money and Life

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading power of singular priority Weekend reading power of singular priority

Weekend Reading

You likely hold a variety of things near and dear to your heart, but if you had to choose one focus – one priority – what would it be?


Zoom out to zoom in: When you’re clear on your one life priority, menial decisions and even major financial choices become simplified. We all have numerous responsibilities, which can add to daily disillusionment, but if you identify what’s most important, you’re less likely to get lost in the “noise” and become overwhelmed.

If you took a step back and analyzed how you spend your most valuable asset (time), would it reflect what’s most important to you? Like the author here, at one point or another you’ve probably felt pressure to juggle multiple obligations in a fast-paced world. However, by identifying one, uncompromisable priority (or higher purpose) in both your life and financial plan, you can become more confident in your decisions.

If you’re looking for true wealth management, remember that personal aspects take priority. Protecting and growing your wealth is important, but in order to effectively do so, you must address the meaning (your one priority) behind the money.