"Market Watch" Articles

Weekend Reading: 10 Ways to Improve Your Health and Live Longer
It’s time to leverage our longevity revolution. The reality is, living to age 100 is very likely for a large portion of today’s population.

Weekend Reading: You Have a Purpose, You Just Need to Find It – And It's One of the Most Important Things for Your Retirement
Why do you get up in the morning? It might be one thing in particular, or a multitude of things. Whichever the case, that is your purpose, and it’s essential to your health, happiness and overall wellbeing.

Weekend Reading: How Can I Make Sure That the Money I've Saved Will Last My Whole Retirement?
Many retirees wonder if their lifelong savings will last the long-run, and you might be one of them. Feeling confident in the stability of your retirement plan includes honing in on your income, and this article highlights two questions to ask yourself while doing so.

Weekend Reading: 'Have I Left the Best of Me Behind?' Why You Need an Elevator Pitch for Retirement
Upon entering retirement, being posed the question, “What do you do?” might cause you some anxiety.

Weekend Reading: Don't Be Afraid of Failures in Retirement
Throughout our working years, we strive for success to meet deadlines, get promotions and advance our careers. However, upon entering retirement, the paradigm shifts.