Weekend Reading: 'Have I Left the Best of Me Behind?' Why You Need an Elevator Pitch for Retirement

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading elevator pitch Weekend reading elevator pitch

Weekend Reading

Upon entering retirement, being posed the question, “What do you do?” might cause you some anxiety.


Redefine You: The time has come to step away from your career, so now what? If you haven’t figured out what role you will play in this next transition of life, it’s time to take the reins and up your confidence. The author here labels this exercise as “Developing your Elevator Pitch.” This is an opportunity to redefine who you are, and embrace the activities and interests which will help you learn and grow post-career.

Be open-minded: When it comes to your retirement elevator pitch, nothing is too big or too small. It could be as simple as “I’m reading every book on Amazon’s Best Seller List” – Or, as broad as “I’m working to shift issues around ageism in our country.” The exciting reality is the choice is yours, and you should take pride in whatever new endeavors you decide to pursue.

You are not static: You, as a human being, will continue to evolve over time, and your elevator pitch can follow suit. This is your own personal mission statement, and in sharing it, you can feel confident in knowing you’re living as your true, authentic self.

Focus forward: As you transition into retirement, it’s important to create a future for yourself that’s bigger than your past. Otherwise, why did you retire in the first place?