
Weekend reading 2024 retirement changes Weekend reading 2024 retirement changes
Weekend Reading: What’s Changing for Retirement in 2024?

While you aren’t faced with many major changes for 2024, tax shifts are on the horizon for 2026 as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is set to expire. Don’t let these low tax years pass you by without intentional tax planning.

Weekend reading what medicare misses Weekend reading what medicare misses
Weekend Reading: What Medicare Misses

You may be eagerly awaiting the ability to go on Medicare upon turning age 65; however, as part of your Medicare plan research, it’s important to understand what won’t be covered under traditional Medicare.

Weekend reading address dementia concerns Weekend reading address dementia concerns
Weekend Reading: Take Steps Now to Address Dementia Concerns

Cognitive loss continues to be one of today’s biggest retirement risks. According to the Alzheimer's Association, the number of present Alzheimer’s cases are projected to more than double by 2050.

Weekend reading advice from retirees Weekend reading advice from retirees
Weekend Reading: Advice from Real Retirement Experts: Retirees

If you have yet to retire, or simply want to elevate the retirement life you’re already living, oftentimes, your best source of advice is from fellow retirees.

Weekend reading health care may cost less in retirement Weekend reading health care may cost less in retirement
Weekend Reading: Retirees: Health Care May Cost Less Than You Think

Health care expenses might be one of your top retirement concerns, and with good reason. Fidelity recently claimed that a 65-year-old couple retiring today will need an average of $315,000 for medical costs. However, evidence and logic suggest this likely won’t be your reality.

Weekend reading economics of growing old Weekend reading economics of growing old
Weekend Reading: The Complex Economics of Growing Old

What if our ride to the finish line isn’t smooth? Complex risks including extended longevity and health issues can create a large financial burden on retirees, and as such, recent research from De Nardi shows that Americans are now saving well into their 80s and beyond.

Weekend reading retirees biggest fear Weekend reading retirees biggest fear
Weekend Reading: What is a Retiree's Biggest Fear?

While you might expect the universal retirement fear to be running out of money, it goes beyond dollars to declining health; specifically, an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

Weekend reading retirement medical costs Weekend reading retirement medical costs
Weekend Reading: The Highest Medical Costs to Expect in Retirement

When it comes to healthcare expenses in retirement, there are those you can somewhat-accurately factor into your budget (such as insurance premiums), and those that are unexpected (such as a medical emergencies or illness).

Weekend reading free medicare benefits Weekend reading free medicare benefits
Weekend Reading: 14 Things That Are "Free" with Medicare

As you find yourself in the midst of Medicare’s open enrollment period, it’s an ideal time to evaluate where you can optimize your health care benefits.

Weekend reading health savings account retirement Weekend reading health savings account retirement
Weekend Reading: The Power of Health Savings Accounts for Retirement Planning

Do you have a Health Savings Account (HSA)? If so, it’s time to ensure you’re truly maximizing its benefits for retirement.

Weekend reading medicare parts Weekend reading medicare parts
Weekend Reading: What You Must Know About the Different Parts of Medicare

Whether you’re a first-time enrollee, or simply want to ensure you’re maximizing Medicare coverage, it’s important to understand the benefits provided through each part.

Weekend reading retirement health insurance costs Weekend reading retirement health insurance costs
Weekend Reading: 3 Ways Early Retirees Can Minimize Their Health Insurance Costs

If you’re planning on retiring before you’re eligible for Medicare coverage (age 65), one major component you’ll need to account for is healthcare.