Weekend Reading: 14 Things That Are "Free" with Medicare

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading free medicare benefits Weekend reading free medicare benefits

Weekend Reading

As you find yourself in the midst of Medicare’s open enrollment period, it’s an ideal time to evaluate where you can optimize your health care benefits.


While Medicare is not “free”, those who utilize original Medicare do have lesser-known services potentially included in their coverage, many of which have no out-of-pocket costs, but might come with a caveat. Some of these include:

📌Part A premiums: Medicare Part A is premium-free as long as you paid Medicare payroll taxes during your working years

📌Annual wellness visit: This is available to Medicare recipients as a means to update your plan or to help prevent disease/disability, depending on your health situation

📌Cancer screenings: Medicare helps cover screenings for a variety of cancer types, including lung, cervical and prostate

📌Mental health screenings: You can also receive one alcohol misuse or one depression screening per year

📌Diabetes management training: If diagnosed with diabetes, you receive access to free self-management training on an outpatient basis

Be aware of your benefits: Not all free things are good for you, but when it comes to Medicare, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Don’t let these items pass you by.