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Taxes can pose one of the biggest threats to your lifelong savings, especially if you’re not apprised of exactly how and when Uncle Sam claims his cuts.
When it comes to deciding whether you should claim Social Security benefits at Full Retirement Age (FRA), or delay and receive credit, several factors come into play which you should be aware of.
The “bucketing” manner in which you might account for income and assets, as well as the hierarchy it develops, can cause you to save more money for retirement than you actually need.
Avid reader or not, you surely want a confident, purposeful retirement, and these famous authors provide some enlightening insight on how to make that happen.
Past Retire With Purpose podcast guest, Nancy Collamer, is a retirement coach who helps retirees navigate their “Second Act”, and learn how to obtain maximum fulfillment in the potential decades that could lie ahead.
There is no “perfect” portfolio, but there is a perfect portfolio for you. It mirrors your personal values, financial goals and unique situation, which is why we at Howard Bailey focus on developing your financial L.I.F.E. Plan.
As inflation continues to remain a front-running financial concern of individuals across the U.S., this article takes a look at three outcomes (or Fed bears, told Goldilocks style) that could occur as a result of rising costs.
Your financial advisor should be much more than the implementor of your retirement plan. They are your financial thought partner, avid listener and trusted provider of sound, strategic guidance.
Your legacy plan has the capability to go far beyond tangible materials and wealth assets.
Does money truly have the power to elevate your life? It can certainly take care of your most basic necessities, but according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, money has a limit on the amount of happiness it creates.
When it comes to volatility and finding a desired risk level within your portfolio, here is a handy acronym we at Howard Bailey even use with the families we meet with: C.A.N. you take the risk? (C-Capacity, A-Attitude and N-Need).
If you have secured a retirement plan you feel confident about, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.