Weekend Reading: 4 Toxic Money Beliefs That Keep You from Financial Freedom

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading toxic money beliefs Weekend reading toxic money beliefs

Weekend Reading

A healthy relationship with money can help lend to a life of fulfillment and financial independence, but it also involves being self aware of potential toxic money beliefs.


Four noteworthy mantras listed here include:

1) “I can start being happy only when I’m making more money”: Always expecting you can finally do that one activity, make that major life move, etc., when you have a certain amount of money means you’re living in the future. The secret? You can still be happy and do fulfilling things in the present, even without X amount of money.

2) “You need a business to achieve financial freedom”: You don’t need to be a full-time, top entrepreneur business owner to reach the financially-free life you deserve. A “Job Optional” life looks different for everyone, and it all revolves around what brings you meaning and purpose.

3) “Money is more important than my time”: Every purchase and decision you make comes with an opportunity cost. Think of money as a means, not an end. As author Darius Foroux says, “The catch is to not throw money at your problems.” Instead, find the root of the issue and work to solve it.

4) “Money doesn’t grow on trees”: While true, it’s also not true, and that type of scarcity mindset can be harmful. The reality is, with skills that provide value to other people, you can reap rewards (including money).

My two cents: Check your money beliefs at the door and your financial future will be well-served.