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Weekend reading peace amidst inflation Weekend reading peace amidst inflation
Weekend Reading: How to Have Peace of Mind During High Inflation

From the prices you’re paying at the grocery store to the news headlines circulating daily, it’s probably difficult to ignore the pool of inflation you’re floating in right now. However, don’t let fear and greed get the best of you.

Weekend reading aging stereotypes Weekend reading aging stereotypes
Weekend Reading: It's Time to Throw Out Stereotypes on Aging

According to 2021 research conducted by AARP and National Geographic, titled “Second Half of Life Study”, many of the ideas and stereotypes we hold about aging are wrong.

Weekend reading greatest paradox in markets Weekend reading greatest paradox in markets
Weekend Reading: The Greatest Paradox in Markets

Momentum from extreme highs and mean reversion from extreme lows create the “most powerful forces in markets”, prompting above-average returns.

Weekend reading bear market Weekend reading bear market
Weekend Reading: Why We're Now in a Bear Market

You’ve undoubtedly seen the headlines. We’ve stepped into a Bear Market, and it’s caused many investors to enter a state of hover and hide.

Weekend reading economics of growing old Weekend reading economics of growing old
Weekend Reading: The Complex Economics of Growing Old

What if our ride to the finish line isn’t smooth? Complex risks including extended longevity and health issues can create a large financial burden on retirees, and as such, recent research from De Nardi shows that Americans are now saving well into their 80s and beyond.

Weekend reading understanding annuities Weekend reading understanding annuities
Weekend Reading: Working with Your Clients to Solve the Annuity Puzzle

June is National Annuity Awareness Month, and it couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. Annuities are having a moment right now

Weekend reading economic factors retirement income Weekend reading economic factors retirement income
Weekend Reading: How to Use Economic Context in Retirement Income Decision-Making

We are experiencing a variety of unique factors that affect our economy today. And, while you might think these areas produce undependable data in the realm of retirement planning, that’s not always the case when it comes to making long-term decisions, specifically in regard to your income strategy.

Weekend reading working and claiming social security Weekend reading working and claiming social security
Weekend Reading: Benefits of Work

The complexities of Social Security span wide, and that includes if you continue to work after starting benefits.

Weekend reading stop stressing over money Weekend reading stop stressing over money
Weekend Reading: How to Stop Stressing Over Money

Chances are, at one point or another in your life, you’ve had concerns revolving around money. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, money is the leading cause of stress in the U.S.

Weekend reading endless uncertainty Weekend reading endless uncertainty
Weekend Reading: Endless Uncertainty

The words “Uncertainty” and “Unprecedented” have circulated news outlets more times throughout the past two years than possibly ever before. However, it’s important to note that the uncertainty we’re experiencing as a country today isn’t in theory higher than it was five or more years ago.

Weekend reading ego and loss aversion investment risks Weekend reading ego and loss aversion investment risks
Weekend Reading: Get Even-itis

In the world of investing, loss aversion is a cognitive bias which means your losses hurt twice as bad as any gains of the same value. It can be one of the most common (and challenging) hindrances to overcome in making sound investment decisions, and might also cause you to develop a case of “Get Even-itis”.

Weekend reading the power of memory and the market Weekend reading the power of memory and the market
Weekend Reading: The Decumulation Drawdown: How Spending Became the Big Dilemma in Retirement

Between the depletion of pensions, surging inflation and extended longevity, it might feel more complicated than ever before to know how to responsibly spend your savings, not to mention extend your income to potential decades down the road.