Weekend Reading: Sleeping with Cash

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading sleeping with cash humble dollar thumbnail Weekend reading sleeping with cash humble dollar thumbnail

Weekend Reading

There’s a reason why Liquidity is one of the four main pillars of our proprietary planning process. Oftentimes, I find the happiest retirees have the largest cash balances, not the biggest brokerage accounts. Check out the article from Humble Dollar below.


Shifting to safety: The author of this article points to an intriguing quote, stating, “When you’ve won the game, stop playing with money you really need.” He makes the point that in retirement, he feels less interested in getting richer, and more interested in guaranteeing his modest lifestyle. It’s not about getting the highest return any more. It’s about what helps you sleep well at night, and for many, that means protecting those lifelong savings from the unexpected and having readily available cash for both opportunities and emergencies.

The benefits of boring: Yes, this type of investment portfolio may seem less superior to one that’s taking more risk. It might also appear boring, but at the end of the day, consider this: What will bring you financial peace of mind? That’s the perfect portfolio.

My thoughts: Maybe you should have more money in the stock market, but can you still sleep at night if you do? Not to mention, do you actually need that exposure in the first place?