Financial Planning

Weekend reading three keys to successful retirement Weekend reading three keys to successful retirement
Weekend Reading: Three Details That Matter for a Successful Retirement

The devil's in the details – especially when it comes to planning a fulfilling retirement.

Weekend reading dave ramsey suze orman retirement advice Weekend reading dave ramsey suze orman retirement advice
Weekend Reading: What Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman Can (and Cannot) Accomplish

As you look for ways to elevate your financial success, make note that while you can find value from public “experts”, take this information with a grain of salt.

Weekend reading check before leaving Weekend reading check before leaving
Weekend Reading: Check Before Leaving

Planning for retirement involves asking the big questions, such as: How do I protect and grow my savings? Or, do I have enough? Beyond this, however, you have other factors to consider, both financial and non-financial.

Weekend reading 8 biggest financial mistakes Weekend reading 8 biggest financial mistakes
Weekend Reading: My 8 Biggest Financial Mistakes

Have your financial mistakes made you a better financial decision-maker? You won’t always make the perfect choice, but you can always learn from your experiences.

Weekend reading 4 financial worries Weekend reading 4 financial worries
Weekend Reading: 4 Financial Worries to Cross Off Your List

Are you overemphasizing any financial concerns before you’ve secured your retirement foundation? With a comprehensive framework, you can put more time and energy toward what is in your control, and focus less on what isn’t.

Weekend reading evolution of financial advice Weekend reading evolution of financial advice
Weekend Reading: The Evolution of Financial Advice

You don’t need to do countless hours of research to become a successful investor, but it's helpful to be familiar with financial market history, including booms and busts.

Weekend reading false financial proxies Weekend reading false financial proxies
Weekend Reading: False Proxies That Deceive Your Finances

The problem with “proxies” (financial-related in particular) is that false ones can lead to misleading or inaccurate results.

Weekend reading retirement planning crucial questionsjpg Weekend reading retirement planning crucial questionsjpg
Weekend Reading: In Retirement, Many Crucial Questions Start with the Word ‘When’

Your most important retirement planning decisions rely on timing. While long-term performance is certainly front of mind for your investments, before anything else, you must pay attention to the “when” questions.

Weekend reading playing defense with money Weekend reading playing defense with money
Weekend Reading: Rule #1 of Building Wealth: Play Defense with Your Money

A defense-first mentality is what often sets NBA Championship teams apart from the rest. For you, this same mindset can be applied to wealth-building.

Weekend reading retirement myths Weekend reading retirement myths
Weekend Reading: Nine Retirement Myths

Your unique financial circumstances should ultimately determine the retirement guidance you follow. However, when you do consume retirement advice from the media or elsewhere, there are also several myths to be aware of.