"Morningstar" Articles

Weekend reading 8 biggest financial mistakes Weekend reading 8 biggest financial mistakes
Weekend Reading: My 8 Biggest Financial Mistakes

Have your financial mistakes made you a better financial decision-maker? You won’t always make the perfect choice, but you can always learn from your experiences.

Weekend reading 4 financial worries Weekend reading 4 financial worries
Weekend Reading: 4 Financial Worries to Cross Off Your List

Are you overemphasizing any financial concerns before you’ve secured your retirement foundation? With a comprehensive framework, you can put more time and energy toward what is in your control, and focus less on what isn’t.

Weekend reading 20 ira mistakes Weekend reading 20 ira mistakes
Weekend Reading: 20 IRA Mistakes to Avoid

The rules that govern your retirement accounts are not as simple as they may seem on the surface. It can pay BIG to work with an expert.

Weekend reading retirement income style Weekend reading retirement income style
Weekend Reading: What's Your Retirement Income Style?

You have a unique personality and preferences. Shouldn’t these elements be integrated into your retirement income strategy?

Weekend reading investing road map Weekend reading investing road map
Weekend Reading: An Investing Road Map for Retirees

Your retirement is more than an investment strategy. Guaranteed income is high on the list and taxes shouldn’t be overlooked.

Weekend reading 5 common portfolio mistakes Weekend reading 5 common portfolio mistakes
Weekend Reading: Are You Making These 5 Common Portfolio Mistakes?

Ask yourself: Are you making any of these mistakes? Maybe it’s time to step off the sidelines, dig deep into your portfolio and create a greater opportunity to optimize your financial wellbeing.

Weekend reading required minimum distributions overspending Weekend reading required minimum distributions overspending
Weekend Reading: Could Required Minimum Distributions Cause You to Overspend?

Despite what many might believe, RMDs are required distributions, not required spending. While you must take withdrawals from tax-deferred retirement accounts starting at age 73, you can choose not to spend that withdrawn amount if you don't need it.

Weekend reading real luxury goods wealth Weekend reading real luxury goods wealth
Weekend Reading: Real Luxury Goods Don’t Have Brand Names

What is your definition of a “luxury good”? If you have the mindset of the “Millionaire Next Door”, it may not involve material things, but instead include unconventional financial luxuries you don’t see.

Weekend reading return bond market Weekend reading return bond market
Weekend Reading: The Return of the Bond Market

While 2022 became the first year ever for bonds to end with a negative five-year annualized return, markets have now recalibrated, resulting in higher yields (and higher future returns).

Weekend reading rethinking your budget Weekend reading rethinking your budget
Weekend Reading: Hate Budgeting? Try Rethinking It

The traditional needs versus wants paradigm is what often makes budgeting sound as much fun as going on a diet. This not only creates a lack of motivation to follow through with your budget, but also leaves you feeling deprived.

Weekend reading investment risk instincts Weekend reading investment risk instincts
Weekend Reading: When It Comes to Risk, It’s Dangerous to Trust Your Instincts

Times of market volatility may cause you to second guess your investment strategy. You might assume the future looks riskier and a change is in order, but that’s not always the case.