Weekend reading 10 steps prepare for retirement Weekend reading 10 steps prepare for retirement
10 Steps to Prepare Your Finances for Retirement

Your transition from the "Accumulation Phase" to the "Decumulation Phase" is a significant financial shift that requires careful planning.

Weekend reading worst cost bad financial advice Weekend reading worst cost bad financial advice
The Worst Cost of Bad Financial Advice

What can poor financial advice cost you besides money?

Weekend reading drawn to low probability Weekend reading drawn to low probability
Why Are We Drawn to Low Probability?

From skipping health precautions to making poor investment choices, have you ever wondered: Why do humans engage in high-risk, low-reward behaviors?

Weekend reading intellect and wealth Weekend reading intellect and wealth
If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich?

Does intelligence inevitably lead you to financial wealth?

Weekend reading 50 percent rule Weekend reading 50 percent rule
The 50 Percent Rule

If you’re unfamiliar with the “50 Percent Rule,” it’s a practical guideline that can be leveraged to help you make balanced, nonbinary financial decisions.

Weekend reading love letter estate planning Weekend reading love letter estate planning
Why I Write A “Love Letter” Every Year (and you should, too)

Are your loved ones prepared to handle your affairs if you were to pass unexpectedly?

Weekend reading pick your peril Weekend reading pick your peril
Pick Your Peril

You make tradeoffs when managing financial risks. Every decision involves balancing competing concerns, which are uniquely personal to you.

Weekend reading daily steps to be healthy Weekend reading daily steps to be healthy
Do You Really Need 10,000 Steps A Day to Be Healthy?

In the 1960s, a Japanese pedometer company popularized the idea of walking 10,000 steps a day for health, though no scientific evidence initially supported this target.

Weekend reading year end rmds qcd workaround Weekend reading year end rmds qcd workaround
Year-End RMDs and the QCD Workaround Strategy

As the year draws to a close, you might be exploring strategies to manage your required minimum distributions (RMDs) and minimize tax liabilities for 2024.

Weekend reading art of the interesting Weekend reading art of the interesting
How the Art of the Interesting Makes for a Good Life

According to philosophy professor Lorraine Besser, living a “good life” involves more than just happiness and meaning; it also requires cultivating psychological richness through interesting experiences.

Weekend reading year end estate planning Weekend reading year end estate planning
End-of-Year Estate Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

As the year wraps up, it’s an ideal time to reflect on your financial and personal priorities—especially the often-overlooked area of estate planning.

Weekend reading hidden cost of financial stress Weekend reading hidden cost of financial stress
The Hidden Cost of Financial Stress

Despite careful planning, financial setbacks and surprise expenses can arise at any time. Here, author Darnell Mayberry explores how money problems can take a significant emotional toll.