Weekend reading net unrealized appreciation tax savings Weekend reading net unrealized appreciation tax savings
Weekend Reading: Use Net Unrealized Appreciation to Save on Taxes in Retirement

You want to minimize the money you owe Uncle Sam, and Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) is just one of many strategies that can help you do so.

Weekend reading post retirement roth conversions Weekend reading post retirement roth conversions
Weekend Reading: Don’t Overlook Post-Retirement Roth Conversion Benefits

You often hear of the benefits of Roth conversions during your working years, but when carried out during retirement, they can also help you enhance your income options, manage tax situations and support your estate planning goals.

Weekend reading deferring taxes retirement Weekend reading deferring taxes retirement
Weekend Reading: Deferring Taxes Until Retirement? You May Want to Rethink That

If you want to minimize the dollars you owe Uncle Sam, it’s crucial to focus on limiting your long-term tax liability, versus only minimizing taxes in the current year.

Weekend reading roth conversion estate planning tool Weekend reading roth conversion estate planning tool
Weekend Reading: Why a Roth Conversion Is a Powerful Estate Planning Tool

If you’re looking to minimize taxes for your beneficiaries down the road, a Roth conversion is worth consideration.

Weekend reading 4 financial worries Weekend reading 4 financial worries
Weekend Reading: 4 Financial Worries to Cross Off Your List

Are you overemphasizing any financial concerns before you’ve secured your retirement foundation? With a comprehensive framework, you can put more time and energy toward what is in your control, and focus less on what isn’t.

Weekend reading 20 ira mistakes Weekend reading 20 ira mistakes
Weekend Reading: 20 IRA Mistakes to Avoid

The rules that govern your retirement accounts are not as simple as they may seem on the surface. It can pay BIG to work with an expert.

Weekend reading owning annuities in IR As Weekend reading owning annuities in IR As
Weekend Reading: Here’s The Full Story on Owning Annuities In IRAs

Your decision to buy an annuity through an IRA or a taxable account should ultimately depend on your unique financial circumstances and goals. Either way, it’s crucial you consider the pros and cons first.

Weekend reading traditional and roth 401k ira myths Weekend reading traditional and roth 401k ira myths
Weekend Reading: Myths About the Traditional and Roth 401(k)/IRA That Affect How People Use Them

One of your biggest retirement assets will likely be a tax-advantaged retirement account. If you’re looking for the most efficient exit strategy for withdrawals while en route to retirement or ways to minimize the tax impact on these savings, it’s important to know how they function.

Weekend reading roth ira and non dividend paying stock similarities Weekend reading roth ira and non dividend paying stock similarities
Weekend Reading: Similarities Between Roth IRAs And Non-Dividend Paying Stocks

Comprehensive retirement strategies require understanding the growth potential and tax impact of investment vehicles. Two options in your tool box include Roth IRAs and non-dividend paying stocks.

Weekend reading roth vs traditional ira tax trade off Weekend reading roth vs traditional ira tax trade off
Weekend Reading: Roth vs. Traditional IRAs: The Tax Trade-Off Isn’t Always What You Think

The tax advantages of a Roth IRA versus a traditional IRA may seem black and white, but there is more to consider before choosing one over the other.

Weekend reading roth ira conversion Weekend reading roth ira conversion
Weekend Reading: Considering a Roth IRA Conversion? 6 Reasons It Makes Sense

Your future tax rate versus your current tax rate isn’t the only consideration for you to make when evaluating a Roth conversion.

Weekend reading income early retirees Weekend reading income early retirees
Weekend Reading: 6 Secret Sources of Income for Early Retirees

If your retirement goal is to step away from full-time work in your 50s or even earlier, the most important step is ensuring you have a paycheck replacement.