Weekend Reading: What We Lose

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading what we lose Weekend reading what we lose

Weekend Reading

Becoming “Job Optional” is an opportunity to regain control over your daily life. However, make no mistake. Without thinking through all areas of a purposeful retirement, this transition can bring significant, unexpected loss that impacts your happiness.


Of the seven losses worth your consideration featured here, five include:

📌 Identity: Retirement alters how you answer the common question, "What do you do?" Transitioning from a professional title to being "retired" can strongly impact your sense of self-worth and identity.

📌 Purpose: If your career fulfilled your sense of Purpose, what activities or endeavors will you engage in to live a meaningful life? How will you create an impact?

📌 Structure: Leaving a full time career disrupts the structured workweek you may be accustomed to. Establishing a new daily routine will require planning and adjustments.

📌 Community: Without co-workers, you might find your daily interactions with others declines in retirement. As such, maintaining friendships and exploring social opportunities is crucial to combat social isolation.

📌 Relevance: Retirement can make you feel disconnected from the world and less productive. It's important to seek ways to maintain a sense of relevance and contribution.

While you lose much financially as you step into retirement, this is only one of the items on the list, emphasizing the importance of not just having a financial coach, but a retirement coach as well.