Weekend Reading: Starting at the End

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading starting at the end Weekend reading starting at the end

Weekend Reading

If you had just three years left to live, what would you spend that time focusing on?


The power of endings: Much like the writer of this article, one of my favorite books is Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. In particular, habit number two is to begin with the end in mind, which is a philosophy that can also be applied to the process of retirement planning. By focusing on the end, you can more clearly identify your purpose, values and the legacy you want to leave behind.

Consider this: In three years if you were to attend your own funeral as a bystander, what words would you want spoken of you? More than likely, they wouldn’t revolve around money, but more so your character, and the impact you had on those around you. To truly hone in on what you want out of life and how to go about fulfilling it, try creating your own personal mission statement, and revisit it over time to see if it aligns with your actions. By spending more time thinking about the end, you can gain more clarity of how you want to purposefully pursue the years ahead.

High-level view: Above all, it’s important to spend time “zooming out” on life and putting things in the right perspective.