Weekend Reading: Green Thumb Retirement

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading green thumb retirement Weekend reading green thumb retirement

Weekend Reading

Much like a plant requires soil, sun and water in order to grow and flourish, your retirement requires other factors besides a financial plan in order to bring fulfillment, such as relationships, health, identity and purpose.


How to bloom: Thriving in this chapter of life might mean you need to dig deeper to consider the non-financial aspects of retirement. As a retirement coach, past Retire With Purpose podcast guest, Robert Laura, recommends apprising yourself of the lesser-known issues that can creep up, including how you will introduce yourself to others, grief from stepping out of your career, and feelings of loneliness and resentment toward a spouse. When you transplant yourself into retirement, Robert also lists several ways to help ensure you blossom instead of wilt. They are as follows:

📌 Take time to write down what a perfect day and perfect week might look like for you: This will help reveal how much time you have to fill.

📌 Create a list of things you will gain or benefit from by moving into retirement, as well as a list of things you might lose: While there are many gains brought by retirement, you might also lose other work-related aspects you’re accustomed to, such as routine, purpose, social interaction, etc. Knowing what those losses are will help you identify ways to replace them.

📌 Take a look at your social network: If many of your social interactions were brought about through your career, seeking additional outlets to obtain human connection is key.

Purposeful planning: You can’t just float into retirement. It must be approached with intention in regard to both financial and non-financial aspects.