Weekend Reading: Now or Never: Why Your Next Action is Everything

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading focus on next action Weekend reading focus on next action

Weekend Reading

Your ability to experience fulfillment right now involves practicing intentionality. As entrepreneur and author Derek Sivers states, your future is uncertain and your past is irrelevant. Therefore, focusing on the actions you take now is key to understanding yourself and creating the life you want.


📌 Know that you are your actions: Your true values are revealed through your actions. To align with your desired outcomes, either pinpoint your real priorities or act on what you claim to want.

📌 Start small: Taking small, immediate steps allows you to solve real problems. Avoid waiting for perfect conditions and focus on practical solutions.

📌 Discard useless beliefs: Challenge and replace beliefs that hinder your actions. Choose beliefs that are useful in the present moment to guide you in taking the right steps.

📌 Discard useless goals: Goals should be clear, specific and actionable in the present. If a goal doesn't lead to immediate action, discard it in favor of goals that propel you forward.

📌 Create, don't consume: Action is key to inspiration. Instead of endlessly consuming information, apply what you've learned to your work and creative endeavors.

📌 Be intentional: Prioritize actions that evoke a “Yes!” response. If something doesn't generate enthusiasm, say no and focus on actions that truly matter to you.

If you want to create a future that’s bigger than your past, you’ll have to do some inner work. This might require breaking out of your comfort zone, doing some deep reflection on your purpose and mapping out actions that lead you to where you can make the biggest impact today.