Weekend Reading: 401(k)s Will Be Gone Within a Decade

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
240315 WRR 310 401ks Will Be Gone Within a Decade 240315 WRR 310 401ks Will Be Gone Within a Decade

Weekend Reading

There is a growing movement to eliminate 401(k) retirement plans due to questions about their value, with scholars on both sides of the political spectrum raising concerns. The tax advantages of 401(k)s, which cost the government billions annually, are being scrutinized, as they may not significantly increase retirement savings and primarily benefit the wealthy. As the government seeks new revenue sources, the future of these tax breaks is uncertain. Also, 401(k) alternatives could lead to reduced retirement savings if people find it easier to access their funds earlier.


Key Takeaways:

📌 This debate shows how complex retirement planning truly is!

📌 Taxes affect everything. Are you working with an advisor who does tax planning?