
Weekend reading income early retirees Weekend reading income early retirees
Weekend Reading: 6 Secret Sources of Income for Early Retirees

If your retirement goal is to step away from full-time work in your 50s or even earlier, the most important step is ensuring you have a paycheck replacement.

Weekend reading 2023 safe withdrawal rate Weekend reading 2023 safe withdrawal rate
Weekend Reading: What’s a Safe Withdrawal Rate Today?

Despite the effects inflation and volatility can have on retiree income, new research through Morningstar suggests a “safe starting point” withdrawal rate for new retirees in 2023 is 3.8 percent, up from 3.3 percent a year ago.

Weekend reading taxes retirement income Weekend reading taxes retirement income
Weekend Reading: What Taxes Will You Owe on Retirement Income?

While your taxes could be lower in retirement than your working years, the reality is, the more income you have, the more taxes you will owe. The first step to mitigating the amount of dollars that go to Uncle Sam is understanding what income is taxed and how.

Weekend reading income tresholds incremental tax rates Weekend reading income tresholds incremental tax rates
Weekend Reading: Managing Taxes in Retirement: Income Thresholds versus Incremental Average Tax Rates

Here, past podcast guest, Wade Pfau, highlights how to strategize the withdrawal order between your three tax buckets (taxable, tax-deferred, tax-exempt) by utilizing two different distribution methods: The adjusted gross income (AGI) threshold strategy versus the incremental average tax rate method.

Weekend reading retirement income framework Weekend reading retirement income framework
Weekend Reading: The RISA Framework: A Systematized Approach to Personalizing Retirement Income Strategies for Clients

In this article, two of my favorite retirement researchers, past podcast guest Wade Pfau and Alex Murguía, highlight what is known as the RISA (Retirement Income Style Awareness) Framework. This profile is created by pinpointing the two strongest factors that determine your overall income preference style.

Weekend reading retirement income constrained investor Weekend reading retirement income constrained investor
Weekend Reading: How to Plan Retirement Income for a Constrained Investor

To determine if you are a constrained investor, you would calculate the ratio of your minimum annual living expenses to the value of your net investment assets. If the outcome is more than three percent, you could be classified in the constrained category.

Weekend reading bucketing strategy critics Weekend reading bucketing strategy critics
Weekend Reading: Why Critics of Bucketing Strategies are Wrong

Bucket strategies are immensely popular in the realm of retirement planning strategies, but as with any financial approach, they have their naysayers too.

Weekend reading hierarchy of needs Weekend reading hierarchy of needs
Weekend Reading: Behavioral Biases and the Hierarchy of Retirement Needs

The “bucketing” manner in which you might account for income and assets, as well as the hierarchy it develops, can cause you to save more money for retirement than you actually need.

Weekend reading tax bucket strategies Weekend reading tax bucket strategies
Weekend Reading: Consider the Source – How to Cut Your Tax Bill

A primary part of navigating the complicated process of tax planning includes not only considering the source of your income, but also understanding how it can affect the dues you owe Uncle Sam.

Weekend reading actuarial process Weekend reading actuarial process
Weekend Reading: An Actuarial Process for Better Decisions in Retirement

This article hones in on utilizing actuarial methodology when it comes to determining how much you can afford to spend in retirement – specifically, through the floor-and-upside approach.

Weekend reading longevity assumptions Weekend reading longevity assumptions
Weekend Reading: Are Longevity Assumptions Obsolete?

The odds are in your favor when it comes to living longer; however, that also means creating a retirement income stream you don’t outlive is more imperative than ever.

Weekend reading monte carlo spending volatility Weekend reading monte carlo spending volatility
Weekend Reading: Adjusting Monte Carlo Success Thresholds by Tolerance for Spending Volatility

If you had a crystal ball, retirement planning would be much less complicated. Unfortunately, no such thing exists, but there is one thing you can do, which is stress test your portfolio.