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Weekend reading inflation Weekend reading inflation
Weekend Reading: Should You Change Your Financial Plan Because of Short-Term Changes in Inflation and Monetary Policy?

Inflation continues to circulate headlines and ignite fear of an unpredictable future, but the good news is, a well-rounded retirement plan can weather the storm (short-term or not).

Weekend reading market timing Weekend reading market timing
Weekend Reading: How Market Timing Destroys Wealth

You’ve probably heard it before, but it holds steadfast and true: Boring is often better when it comes to investing.

Weekend reading healthy living Weekend reading healthy living
Weekend Reading: 10 Ways to Improve Your Health and Live Longer

It’s time to leverage our longevity revolution. The reality is, living to age 100 is very likely for a large portion of today’s population.

Weekend reading investment nightmare Weekend reading investment nightmare
Weekend Reading: My Investing Nightmare

The goal of a secure retirement plan is to prevent you from staying awake at night worrying about the next financial crisis, but in the event you have an investment nightmare, what would it be?

Weekend reading late work Weekend reading late work
Weekend Reading: Late Work: From Recreation to Re-Creation

Are you training for the long-haul? With today’s longevity, your retirement could span 30-plus years, and how you leverage this gift of time can ultimately affect your overall happiness and fulfillment.

Weekend reading retirement planning Weekend reading retirement planning
Weekend Reading: Does Planning End at Retirement?

You need a strategic, customized plan to get yourself to retirement, but you also need a plan for what lies beyond.

Weekend reading finding purpose Weekend reading finding purpose
Weekend Reading: You Have a Purpose, You Just Need to Find It – And It's One of the Most Important Things for Your Retirement

Why do you get up in the morning? It might be one thing in particular, or a multitude of things. Whichever the case, that is your purpose, and it’s essential to your health, happiness and overall wellbeing.

Weekend reading tax diversification Weekend reading tax diversification
Weekend Reading: Limits of Tax Diversification and the Tax Alpha of Roth Optimization

To Roth or not to Roth? This might be a question you’ve asked yourself before, and upon comparing a Roth IRA to a traditional IRA, what makes the most sense for your hard-earned dollars often comes down to taxes.

Weekend reading maximizing social security Weekend reading maximizing social security
Weekend Reading: How to Help Clients Maximize Social Security Benefits

Deciding when to claim your Social Security benefits can have a large impact on your retirement income, and many individuals aren’t making the most of it. In fact, only about four percent of retirees are making the optimal Social Security claiming decision, which results in a loss of about $2.1 trillion in wealth.

Weekend reading higher taxes Weekend reading higher taxes
Weekend Reading: 7 Ways to Prepare for Higher Taxes

As past podcast guest, David McKnight, says, “The tax train is coming,” and we should all be ready. Experts believe tax rates will increase with each passing year, and on top of that, President Biden has proposed bills that would raise both corporate taxes and the long-term capital gains rate tax for anyone making more than $1 million per year.

Weekend reading softer side estate plan Weekend reading softer side estate plan
Weekend Reading: Don't Neglect the Softer Side of Your Estate Plan

Hopefully your estate plan includes the basic estate documents and beneficiaries, but here’s a look at why you might want to go deeper and be more descriptive with your wishes before your passing.

Weekend reading making savings last Weekend reading making savings last
Weekend Reading: How Can I Make Sure That the Money I've Saved Will Last My Whole Retirement?

Many retirees wonder if their lifelong savings will last the long-run, and you might be one of them. Feeling confident in the stability of your retirement plan includes honing in on your income, and this article highlights two questions to ask yourself while doing so.