Those in the Indiana education field have likely heard of the inspirational and outspoken Ralph Bailey.
He has been, and is still known as, a mentor, teacher, principal, superintendent, leader, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, motivational speaker and much more.
Ralph is the only one of his seven siblings to attend college. After, he attained a master's degree from Indiana University, bought a farm and became principal of Etna Troy School at the age of 25 — all while raising six children with his wife, Lauretta.
He launched the I CAN campaign in schools across Indiana, inspiring children to follow their dreams and do whatever it is their hearts desire. This I CAN philosophy applies to our retirement planning business, because YOU CAN retire confidently — and we will help you have financial success.
Another great legacy is Ralph's charitable attitude, always giving anything he could to help others. As a company, we have the same giving back philosophy, both to our clients and to a number of charitable causes.
Ralph is a devout and outspoken Christian, and has delivered guest sermons at many local churches. He'll tell you that everything he has been blessed with is a gift from God — yet another reason that we believe that his name belongs on our sign.