Considering Time and Quality of Life

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading time and quality of life Weekend reading time and quality of life

Weekend Reading

Time is the greatest asset you will ever have. Here, author Derek Hagen emphasizes the importance of living intentionally by considering both the time and health you have left with our loved ones.


He shares the stories of two couples — Mike and Emily, and Chris and Jessica — who had dreams of traveling together but never got the chance due to unforeseen health issues and death. These stories illustrate that life is finite and unpredictable, and we often delay meaningful experiences, thinking there will be a better time later.

Key takeaways: The concept of a "lifeline" is introduced to remind you that everyone has a limited amount of time, and that time overlaps differently for everyone. Hagen also discusses the idea of a "healthline," suggesting that not all years are created equal in terms of health and ability. By considering both lifelines and healthlines — your own and those of your loved ones — you can make more conscious decisions about how to invest your time, energy, and resources. The message is clear: live your life meaningfully and intentionally while you and your loved ones are still able to enjoy it together.