Taking the Stress Out of Financial Planning

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading taking stress out of financial planning Weekend reading taking stress out of financial planning

Weekend Reading

If you experience anxiety surrounding financial planning, your feelings likely stem from two things: The fact that financial planning is future-oriented—and often, uncertain in nature.


Worrying about income stability, market fluctuations, taxes, etc. is common, but you don’t have to let the anxiety take over. Here, author Tim Maurer explores a structured approach to finding financial peace.

Key strategies include:

📌 Start in the present: Establish a net worth and cash flow statement

📌 Reflect: Assess your progress and financial habits objectively

📌 Analyze: Determine your financial goals and necessary actions

📌 Prioritize: Focus on manageable, incremental financial tasks

📌 Habitualize: Develop consistent financial review routines

📌 Shorten time horizons: Set near-term goals to stay engaged

📌 Course correct: Adapt your plans as needed without stress

Remember: You don’t have to go through the financial planning process alone. With the help of a trusted professional, you can better distinguish between what you can and cannot control, while also cultivating a mindset of being proactive and flexible.