Weekend Reading: How to Get Clients to Spend More Money

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading spending more in retirement Weekend reading spending more in retirement

Weekend Reading

You spent decades stockpiling savings for retirement. After years of frugality and budgeting, however, flipping the switch to then spend those hard-earned dollars isn’t for the faint of (penny pinching) hearts.


The frugal effect: As it turns out, the frugal side of you is actually wired in your brain. A behavioral scientist named Scott Rick composed a study on spendthrifts versus tightwads, and found frugal-minded individuals showed pain-induced brain activity when having to make a purchase, while spendthrifts did not.

License to spend: To shift your feelings about spending, a Wharton School professor named Cait Lamerton suggests categorizing expenditures in the form of Maslow’s Hierarchy (seen in this article), and reframing expenditures as investments in your health and well-being – or, as a reward for a job well done.

Further, this article lists several other methods of shedding your frugal-ness, such as: Use plastic rather than cash, get a screaming deal when you do indulge, pledge to make a purchase by a certain date, and most importantly, create a guaranteed cash flow floor as a license to spend.

You saved throughout your entire life for a reason and a big part of that must have been to enjoy it; however, without a spending strategy, you may never realize the full potential of your life savings.