Six Lessons from Six Years of Retirement

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading six lessons from retirement Weekend reading six lessons from retirement

Weekend Reading

Whether you’re already retired or are looking forward to retiring, past podcast guest Fritz Gilbert provides a wealth of knowledge on how his personal retirement journey can help you optimize your own.


Key takeaways include:

📌 Retirement complexity: Retirement is a multifaceted experience with complex non-financial aspects that become clearer over time

📌 Evolution over time: Retirement experiences shift you through various phases, requiring adaptation and a mindset of curiosity

📌 Unexpected realities: Retirement often unfolds differently than you anticipate, revealing unexpected activities and priorities

📌 Shifting priorities: Like in work life, your retirement priorities evolve, moving from financial concerns to personal fulfillment and spiritual considerations

📌 Importance of mindset: Maintaining a positive and adaptable mindset is crucial for navigating retirement successfully

📌 Potential for fulfillment: Retirement can bring you a period of immense joy and satisfaction if approached with the right attitude and choices