Why You Should Pursue the “Unnecessary” Things in Life

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading pursuing unnecessary things Weekend reading pursuing unnecessary things

Weekend Reading

While money offers freedom and opportunity, it often fails to provide you with a true sense of purpose.


Purpose is essential for fulfillment, as it fosters connection, optimism, and well-being, while wealth alone can leave you trapped in a cycle of dissatisfaction. Here, author Jacob Schroeder explores the complex relationship between money and purpose:

📌 Purpose makes you Happier than money: Research shows that purpose, through relationships, hobbies, and giving back, contributes more to happiness than wealth

📌 Purpose can fuel wealth: A strong sense of purpose can drive behaviors that lead to financial success, like motivation and community-building

📌 Money can support purpose: While not a source of purpose, money can help you nurture meaningful activities when used wisely

📌 Giving creates purpose: Generosity strengthens social bonds and enhances well-being, often creating a virtuous cycle of happiness and financial growth

Key Takeaways: The most meaningful aspects of life—relationships, creativity, and exploration—are not commonly found in a monthly budget, but always remember that they’re incredibly vital for your fulfillment.