Pick Your Peril

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading pick your peril Weekend reading pick your peril

Weekend Reading

You make tradeoffs when managing financial risks. Every decision involves balancing competing concerns, which are uniquely personal to you.


Here, author Jonathan Clements identifies five key tradeoffs that shape your investment and insurance choices:

📌 Dying Young vs. Living Long: Your decisions about claiming Social Security, purchasing annuities, or taking pension payouts often stem from worries about dying early versus outliving our money

📌 Enjoying Today vs. Prepping for the Future: Many people save diligently but struggle to balance enjoying their money in the present with preparing for potential future expenses, like long-term care

📌 Getting Rich vs. Avoiding Poverty: People balance wealth-building and safety, often using a mix of investments like stocks and bonds

📌 Simplicity vs. Diversification: While financial simplicity can benefit you and your heirs, concerns about institutional failures — like cyberattacks or insurance company collapses — lead some to diversify across firms

📌 Insuring This vs. Protecting That: Your insurance choices reflect your personal worries, such as health risks or financial loss, but excessive coverage can leave you little for retirement savings

Remember: Your financial choices reveal your deepest fears and priorities. Managing money is as much about managing your emotions as it is about managing risk.