Weekend Reading: How to Have Peace of Mind During High Inflation

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading peace amidst inflation Weekend reading peace amidst inflation

Weekend Reading

From the prices you’re paying at the grocery store to the news headlines circulating daily, it’s probably difficult to ignore the pool of inflation you’re floating in right now. However, don’t let fear and greed get the best of you.


Manage your mindset: While there might not be a magic investment that will generate amazing returns to get you through this time, there are some ways to take control of any inflation anxiety you might be experiencing. These include:

📌 Look at the big picture: Amidst any economic issue, you can take two viewpoints; An up-close perspective on inflation, interest rates, debt, etc. Or, a broad perspective, focused on viewing long-term trends and historical patterns. During periods of high stress, tunnel vision can get the best of you, so taking a step back for a broader view often provides a more realistic outlook of what’s really happening. After all, “History doesn’t repeat itself; it rhymes.”

📌 Focus on knowledge and mindfulness: Educate yourself on the basics of finance and how the economy works, and you’ll find the challenges we’re facing right now aren’t new. With a basic understanding under your belt, as well as ways to ease paranoid thoughts, such as meditation, exercising, journaling, etc., you’ll feel more at peace with today’s pressures.

📌 Remind yourself it’s not the end of the world: Life is more complex right now, but it’s important to remember that others have fared much worse. Don’t let negativity overrule your emotions, and instead, focus on moving forward.

Take a broad view: Your life is not a culmination of headlines. Get out of the news and your own head. You may just find the big picture is pretty darn good!