Weekend Reading: The Most Important Thing That Counts in Investing

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading most important thing in investing Weekend reading most important thing in investing

Weekend Reading

During World War II, Anne Frank’s diary, known as The Diary of a Young Girl, reflects on her strength and resilience in the face of extreme hardship.


While both tragic and inspiring, Anne’s story, as well as her character, possesses parallels of personal qualities required for successful investing. They include:

📌 Humility: Specifically, intellectual humility, which involves acknowledging the complexity of reality and being open to new information.

📌 Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong principles, particularly in sticking to your investment philosophy and process.

📌 Tenacity: The determination to work hard and have faith in the power of compounding, even over long periods.

📌 Self-awareness: Understanding your behavior, risk tolerance and habits.

📌 Adaptability: Being able to adjust to changing conditions and remaining flexible, but proactive.

Your ability to build strong character takes time and often occurs during seasons of crisis and distress. In these instances, reflect on your reactions, learn from your mistakes and seek lessons from the experience.