Why I Write A “Love Letter” Every Year (and you should, too)

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading love letter estate planning Weekend reading love letter estate planning

Weekend Reading

Are your loved ones prepared to handle your affairs if you were to pass unexpectedly?


Introducing, A Love Letter: Here, past podcast guest Fritz Gilbert suggests that in addition to your estate plan, it can be helpful to write an annual “Love Letter” to your spouse or other loved ones. This document can serve as a roadmap to help your beneficiaries navigate the financial and emotional challenges that arise after your passing. Within the letter you can include pertinent information and actions, including:

📌 Immediate Steps: Guidance on contacting key professionals (attorney, financial planner, insurance companies) and securing important documents

📌 Detailed Attachments: Including your net worth statement, investment account details and balances, important contacts, and your investor policy statement

Key Takeaways: By writing an annual Love Letter, you’re helping provide clear guidance in an otherwise overwhelming time to your loved ones, while also offering practical solutions and emotional comfort.