Weekend Reading: The Gifts We Give Our Kids

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading kids money lessons Weekend reading kids money lessons
Weekend Reading

While the season of gift-giving is in full swing, it’s a good time to reflect on how this all plays into the relationship kids have with money, as well as their perception of it.


We all want the children in our lives to grow up to be kind, grateful, hard-working adults, but how do you help instill fiscal responsibility in them as well? Here are several thoughts to keep in mind:

📌 The cost of what you buy your children doesn't determine its value to them – the quality of your relationship does: Life’s greatest asset is time, and time with children is priceless.

📌 Respond gracefully to "no" and "not now”: Understanding delayed gratification is key from a young age. It’s important to understand we can’t always have what we want when we want it.

📌 Instill stewardship: The resources we have can help improve the lives of others. Teaching children about the power of giving (big or small) can provide a great example of generosity.

📌 Teach the difference between having and affording: Summed up, “Learning to live contently within your means is freedom.”

📌 Kids need to know where money comes from so they can figure out how to get it for themselves: Not a credit card, mom, dad, grandpa or grandma – money is earned, and understanding how compensation works will help children learn how to make their own.

Meaningful money lessons: You might think you need to just lead by example when it comes to raising financially savvy children, but you have to be more intentional than that to maximize your success as a parent or grandparent.