Weekend Reading: How to Keep Muscles Strong as You Age

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading how to keep muscles strong as you age Weekend reading how to keep muscles strong as you age

Weekend Reading

The phrase "use it or lose it" holds true when it comes to maintaining your muscle strength. However, evidence suggests that your neurological and muscular systems can be retrained, regardless of age.


Muscle loss risks: Muscle mass typically starts to decline in your 30s, accelerating after the age of 60. During this time, there is a decline in the overall number of muscle cells, as well as mitochondria, which are crucial for your energy production. While natural aging plays a significant role in muscle loss, lack of physical activity is another factor. Muscle loss contributes to severe falls and accidents as you age, plus, can also impact how well you cope with medical treatments.

The magic of movement: Regular physical activity and a proper diet can help combat age-related muscle loss. High-velocity resistance training, which focuses on muscle power in addition to strength, is recommended. Basic exercises like power chair stands, leg lifts and triceps extensions can be beneficial for daily activities. Even if muscle mass doesn't drastically increase, improvements in walking speed, climbing stairs or engaging in activities with your loved ones are significant wins.

Remember: When you have your health, you can maximize more Meaning and Purpose behind your wealth.