10 Things No One Tells People About Retirement

This article appears as part of Casey Weade's Weekend Reading for Retirees series. Every Friday, Casey highlights four hand-picked articles on trending retirement topics and delivers them straight to your email inbox. Get on the list here.
Weekend reading 10 things no one tells you about retirement Weekend reading 10 things no one tells you about retirement

Weekend Reading

Many people dream about retirement like it’s a thrilling prison break—counting down the days until they’re free. But the hard truth? Retirement isn’t just about getting there; it’s about knowing what comes next.


Here, past podcast guest Robert Laura shares some of the most important—yet lesser known—aspects of the reality of retirement:

📌 Retirement is empty until you fill it: If you don’t actively shape your retirement with purpose and passion, it won’t feel like the paradise you imagined

📌 Your mental health matters more than the stock market: Depression, loneliness, and alcohol abuse can rise in retirement. Not because of money but often due to lack of purpose and connection.

📌 Retirement is one of life's most stressful events: It’s ranked alongside divorce and losing a loved one

📌 You lose more than a paycheck: Retirement means losing routine, social connections, and identity—things you’ll need to replace to feel whole

📌 Retirement still requires work: Not office work, but the work of staying active, building relationships, and keeping your mind sharp

📌 Don’t put off living until retirement: The habits and passions you start before retirement will carry over. Waiting until “someday” is a mistake.

The Bottom Line: Retirement isn’t just an escape—it’s a new adventure that YOU design. Instead of drifting aimlessly, take control and make it your best chapter yet.