
Weekend reading lower tax bill 2023 Weekend reading lower tax bill 2023
Weekend Reading: How to Lower Your Tax Bill Next Year

A forward-looking tax strategy requires being proactive. To minimize your tax bill next year, you’ll want to consider employing tax efficient strategies for the remainder of 2023.

Weekend reading roth ira and non dividend paying stock similarities Weekend reading roth ira and non dividend paying stock similarities
Weekend Reading: Similarities Between Roth IRAs And Non-Dividend Paying Stocks

Comprehensive retirement strategies require understanding the growth potential and tax impact of investment vehicles. Two options in your tool box include Roth IRAs and non-dividend paying stocks.

Weekend reading year round tax strategies Weekend reading year round tax strategies
Weekend Reading: Five Tax Planning Strategies to Use All Year to Lower Taxes

You have the ability to gain more tax control over your hard-earned dollars, despite the many complexities of today’s tax rules. All you need is a forward-focused tax roadmap to help you get there.

Weekend reading reduce social security taxes Weekend reading reduce social security taxes
Weekend Reading: 9 Ways to Help Clients Reduce Taxes on Social Security

You’re well aware Uncle Sam wants his share of your retirement income, but some of the families we meet with are surprised to find that includes Social Security benefits.

Weekend reading 8 client retirement worries Weekend reading 8 client retirement worries
Weekend Reading: What Clients Worry About

While there is no crystal ball to reveal what’s on the horizon, taking an objective approach to today’s top retirement woes can help you feel more at ease.

Weekend reading roth vs traditional ira tax trade off Weekend reading roth vs traditional ira tax trade off
Weekend Reading: Roth vs. Traditional IRAs: The Tax Trade-Off Isn’t Always What You Think

The tax advantages of a Roth IRA versus a traditional IRA may seem black and white, but there is more to consider before choosing one over the other.

Weekend reading 3 tax smart charitable giving strategies Weekend reading 3 tax smart charitable giving strategies
Weekend Reading: 3 Tax-Smart Charitable Giving Strategies You Can Use Any Time of Year

You often hear of charitable giving as an end-of-year tax planning move; however, this isn’t always the ideal time from a tax perspective for you, nor does it most effectively serve the organization(s) you support.

Weekend reading tax loss harvesting tips Weekend reading tax loss harvesting tips
Weekend Reading: Profiting from Losses

You have tax strategies at your disposal to implement year-round. The first step is understanding what’s in your tool box, and the second is knowing the rules.

Weekend reading roth ira conversion Weekend reading roth ira conversion
Weekend Reading: Considering a Roth IRA Conversion? 6 Reasons It Makes Sense

Your future tax rate versus your current tax rate isn’t the only consideration for you to make when evaluating a Roth conversion.

Weekend reading reducing social security taxes Weekend reading reducing social security taxes
Weekend Reading: 7 Ways to Reduce Taxes on Social Security Benefits

It should come to no surprise that as with any other retirement income stream, Uncle Sam gets his (taxable) share of your Social Security benefits.

Weekend reading income early retirees Weekend reading income early retirees
Weekend Reading: 6 Secret Sources of Income for Early Retirees

If your retirement goal is to step away from full-time work in your 50s or even earlier, the most important step is ensuring you have a paycheck replacement.

Weekend reading secure 2 0 2023 and beyond Weekend reading secure 2 0 2023 and beyond
Weekend Reading: SECURE 2.0 in 2023 and Beyond

The beginning of 2023 brought the official signing of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, which contains SECURE 2.0. You more than likely heard the news, but what exactly does it mean for you?