Portfolio Management

Weekend reading defining retirement success and failure Weekend reading defining retirement success and failure
Weekend Reading: Defining Retirement Success and Failure

Retirement calculators are helpful tools, but they often offer a simplified view of success: not running out of money. But is merely avoiding financial ruin enough?

Weekend reading global withdrawal rates Weekend reading global withdrawal rates
Weekend Reading: What Global Withdrawal Rates Teach Us About Ideal Retirement Portfolios

Most retirement studies focus on US data. But what happens when we consider how portfolios might perform under the worst economic conditions, not just the American experience?

Weekend reading illusion investing security Weekend reading illusion investing security
Weekend Reading: The Illusion of Security in Investing

The risks you haven’t planned for can ultimately be the ones that put you in financial jeopardy. However, these risks are often controllable, while future returns offer limited influence, especially when it comes to the stock market.

Weekend reading investment simplicity Weekend reading investment simplicity
Weekend Reading: Coming Together

What areas in your financial life can you consolidate and clear out the unnecessary clutter? Less time worrying about managing accounts means more time for you to focus on what matters most.

Weekend reading why you stay the course Weekend reading why you stay the course
Weekend Reading: Example 1A: Why You Stay the Course

While it can be a difficult motive to overcome, avoiding emotional reactions during times of market volatility is key.

Weekend reading 5 common portfolio mistakes Weekend reading 5 common portfolio mistakes
Weekend Reading: Are You Making These 5 Common Portfolio Mistakes?

Ask yourself: Are you making any of these mistakes? Maybe it’s time to step off the sidelines, dig deep into your portfolio and create a greater opportunity to optimize your financial wellbeing.

Weekend reading power of process Weekend reading power of process
Weekend Reading: The Power of Process in Financial Planning

You put together life plans, business plans and health plans to reach your goals, and the same mindset should apply to your retirement. Without a map (or GPS), how do you ever expect to get to your desired destination?

Weekend reading fear and greed biases Weekend reading fear and greed biases
Weekend Reading: Fear and Greed: An Investor's Worst Enemies

With a lack of clarity still in the financial forecast, this article spotlights two fear and greed-based biases you will want to be aware of, so you can learn to not only manage them, but to also put more focus toward the long-term success of your investments.

Weekend reading segmenting retirement expenses Weekend reading segmenting retirement expenses
Weekend Reading: Segmenting Retirement Expenses into Core vs. Adaptive to Create Retirement Buckets

Bucket strategies in the realm of financial planning are plentiful, and one you might have come across includes sorting your expenses into “essential” versus “discretionary”.