Big payback

Big payback

We aspire to make a difference in the lives of our clients and in the communities we serve. We welcome our Howard Bailey friends and family to join us at an upcoming volunteer event. This is our time to give back — won't you join us?

Junior golf tour Junior golf tour
Junior Golf Tour

The Howard Bailey Junior Golf Tour, previously known as the Mountain Dew or Pepsi Tour, is part of the Indiana Junior Golf Program. Since 1987, this program has provided opportunities for local youth to gain competitive golf experience, as well as learn morals and ethics that can be applied to the real world — both off and on the course.

As a former participant in the program, Howard Bailey Founder and CEO Casey Weade has fond childhood memories of playing in Indiana Junior Golf tournaments and honing the skills and strategy that make the sport such a fun game.

Casey's history in the program, combined with his passion for pursuing continual growth, make our partnership with Indiana Junior Golf a meaningful and exciting experience.

Visit Indiana Golf to learn more about Indiana Junior Golf, or to register children or grandchildren for upcoming tournaments.


Indiana Junior Golf is not a current client of Howard Bailey Securities, LLC nor Howard Bailey Financial, Inc. Indiana Junior Golf was compensated for this endorsement. Since, 2021, Howard Bailey Financial, Inc. and Howard Bailey Securities, LLC (together “Howard Bailey”) has paid to Indiana Junior Golf an annual sponsorship fee of $10,000. In return, Indiana Junior Golf provides benefits to Howard Bailey, including exposure during Indiana Junior Golf Events, exposure in Indiana Junior Golf publications, a link to Howard Bailey’s website on, and quarterly emails to leads provided by Indiana Junior Golf.